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How to create a healthier meeting environment?

We may have witnessed many times that meetings, which can be effective when managed properly, can be time-consuming and inefficient when mismanaged. With an estimated 11 million meetings taking place around the world every day, the transition to a healthy meeting standard is a long-awaited step for the global workforce. So, what should this healthy meeting environment look like?

First of all, for a meeting to be considered healthy, the main criteria are that the agenda of the meeting should be set in advance, its purpose and who will attend should be determined. In addition, the location and venue (meeting room) should be well chosen, the meeting should start and end at the appointed time, and each participant should be given the opportunity to speak.

Examples of priority questions to ask when planning a meeting are:
– Which employees should attend this meeting? Who should be the participants of the meeting?
-Is this meeting really necessary and how long should it last?
-What should the environment of the meeting be like?
-If we want to organize this meeting in a hybrid format, is the necessary technology available?
-Who will lead this meeting?
Once you have answered these questions, you can make sure that each participant is the right person for the meeting and that everyone can participate in a way that suits their lifestyle/business style.

6 ways to create a great meeting environment

To ensure the best possible meeting environment, the following steps are recommended

1- Choosing the right comfort zone and equipment

The psychological environment as well as the physical conditions of an environment greatly affect productivity. The seating plan should be appropriate for the purpose of the meeting. It is necessary to create the best meeting environment to balance comfort and productivity.

If participants will be sitting in the meeting room for a certain amount of time, it is important that seating areas are not uncomfortable and cramped. For example, it is possible to create a more inviting environment by changing the seating plan. Some of the best table arrangements are U-shape formations and island-like squares. This way participants can face each other, there is no sense of hierarchy and such layouts help to encourage participation. Another choice for those who want to encourage a high level of interaction and participation is the round table.

Comfortable chairs, desks that leave enough space for laptops and other equipment, and an efficient seating arrangement can contribute to team productivity.

For collaborative meetings and brainstorming sessions, it is also useful to have an adequately sized free space.

Seating can affect the “psychology of the meeting” in a general sense. A participant who wants to make an impact needs direct eye contact with the person or people they want to influence, so sitting across from that person is considered to be strategically the most powerful position.

The technological amenities that a good meeting room should offer include video conferencing technology, high-quality presentation devices, speakers and microphones. If your meeting is based on a presentation or involves talking to other participants using video conferencing, it is important to pay attention to the features of the equipment used to transfer these services.

2- Good lighting, heating and ventilation

When choosing a meeting space, it is important to consider a balanced mix of daylight, ambient lighting and ceiling/wall lighting. However, if the space does not have windows that open to the outside and are large enough to let in daylight, the quality of the lighting chosen in the meeting room should also be considered. Cooler-toned lights can increase productivity, while warmer lights give a sense of comfort and relaxation. If the light is too bright, it is likely to tire the eyes of the participants. If the room is too dark, it is important to let in as much natural light as possible, as this can create a lethargic atmosphere in the meeting. Bright rooms help people to focus, which means they will be more productive during the meeting.

Meeting in a room that is too hot and stuffy not only reduces productivity, but also makes participants feel hot, uncomfortable and sleepy. A constant flow of fresh air is important for energy and mental sharpness. It can be helpful to ventilate the meeting room by opening the windows before the meeting starts.

In conclusion, to create a successful meeting environment, it is important to remember that lighting and air conditioning have a profound impact on memory, creative thinking, concentration and other cognitive functions, and to act accordingly.

3- Noise and distractions

The meeting environment should be checked for outside traffic noise, extraneous sounds from the air conditioning or distractions from the audio-visual equipment or sound system. You should also make sure that the room is away from kitchen noise or other presentations taking place at the same time as your meeting. When choosing a venue, it is also important to pay attention to the room décor. Mirrors, large wall paintings, pictures or moving images are distracting not only for presenters but also for participants.

4- Determining the purpose of the meeting and the participants

The “purpose” of the meeting is one of the most important topics. It is necessary to determine the subject of the meeting precisely and clearly from the very beginning and focus only on that subject. In this way, the intended content will not be diverted to other topics and the main goal will not be deviated from. In addition, communicating the topics to the participants in advance and ensuring that they come to the meeting prepared supports their participation. Another important aspect for a healthy meeting is the correct identification of participants. Crowded meetings can have a negative impact on creativity and productivity, so the number of people and the profile of participants should be determined correctly.

5- Meeting timing and duration

Workers’ productivity levels are high in the first few days of the week, but decline towards the end of the week. Whether it’s to talk about good developments, talk about negatives or introduce a new project, it’s best to avoid meetings close to the end of the week, as lack of energy and motivation can spoil the overall mood.

Similarly, it is also necessary to consider the times of the day that may be more convenient. For example, people tend to focus their attention on thoughts about their personal or social life in the last hours of the day, while employees who have not eaten at lunchtime may have little interest in the meeting.

It is also important to stick to the time allocated for the meeting. Unnecessarily prolonged meetings negatively affect people’s perspectives and make them reluctant to attend meetings.

6- Making sure it is necessary

The last and arguably most important characteristic of healthy meetings is that they are necessary. One of the worst things that can happen in a meeting environment is that your participants feel they have wasted their time by being there and leave the meeting.

Another important issue is to limit meetings so as not to fill employees’ calendars with unnecessary meetings that take their energy away from other tasks. It is important to remember that meetings are a platform to facilitate the transfer of needed information and a gathering designed to connect colleagues.

With these 6 key elements of healthy meetings in mind, you are better prepared than ever to run a productive meeting. When you prepare a healthy meeting environment designed with this mindset, you will see that you will be together with more willing and productive participants in your next organizations.

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